We’re just going to go ahead and say it…we are soooo over 2020. As if the flu season and RSV wasn’t enough to worry about this time of year we now get to stay vigilant in our fight against COVID. Something that is so extremely important to our patients health. That said, this year will be a whole new level of flu season. With the COVID wildcard we really and truly don’t know what is going to happen. What we do know is that we’ll stay prepared and keep our families as safe as we can.

We’re just going to go ahead and say it…we are soooo over 2020. As if the flu season and RSV wasn’t enough to worry about this time of year we now get to stay vigilant in our fight against COVID. Something that is so extremely important to our patients health. That said, this year will be a whole new level of flu season. With the COVID wildcard we really and truly don’t know what is going to happen. What we do know is that we’ll stay prepared and keep our families as safe as we can.
Why is this so complicated?
With such a wide range of symptoms, knowing whether a your loved one has influenza or COVID-19 can be quite the task. Both viruses can include fever, cough, shortness of breath, tiredness, muscle pain, and many more. And there-in-lies the problem…families and patients who may not have normally gone to see a doctor will want to get tested to see what virus (if any) they may have.
Overwhelming our healthcare system and resources
Yes, we know there are many that will get COVID and recover and be perfectly healthy and not have many issues. That is the fantastic news, the largest issue, we feel, is the scenario described above happens and we overwhelm the system. All of the sudden we see spikes and ICU’s get shut down with COVID patients. Simple, yet needed procedures, can’t get done. With the medically fragile children we care for this completely changes the landscape of how the care is provided.
Enough of the yuck, let’s keep it clean
Stay strong, the same practices we have all been doing this far is still helping. Social distancing, keeping your hands clean, masks, they all have benefits. And as inconvenient and uncomfortable as it may be we must stay vigilant.

Stay HAPPY, stay healthy
We are all adults and we’ve all seen enough articles explaining to us precisely how to wash hands and social distance. Instead of that let’s try some methods that can keep us happy and in touch with our family and friends.
Video Chat – It seems small, but for people that haven’t normally worked at home, or grandparents that are now confined to their homes, a quick video chat instead of a phone call can make an impact and allow us to see each other smile.
Family Games – Board games, family card games, and any other fun game that can bring you all together can be a ton of fun and can break up the usual tv time. For my family (this is Tim and not Melissa FYI) a fun time has always been breaking out the old video game systems and playing Mario Kart with everyone. Teach your kids a game you use to play when you where a kid and watch them light up.
Try New Cooking Recipes – Cooking isn’t everyone’s favorite (certainly not my wife’s) but it can be a fun family time. Try a new family friendly recipe, ask your kids to join in. Make a new chili recipe, or ice cream sandwiches with home-made cookies. Try food that you normally would never have tried.
At the end of the day
These are small things that can contribute to happy healthy COVID quarantine world. We know staying happy won’t cure everything but being seriously happy can contribute to your health and well-being.